About Us
Leslie Salmon-Zhu of conferenceartsandinsights.com and graphicrecorders.com is a well known, professional graphic recorder living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has graphically recorded and collaborated in over 3000 meetings and conferences worldwide and is the founder of the International Forum of Visual Practitioners, an annual international industry conference and association.
In meetings and events at any scale and spanning all industries, Leslie tracks and illuminates dialogue, decisions, plans and processes by creating mural-sized charts in real-time. Her services increase engagement, deepen ideas, spark visual collaboration, with the result being the surfacing of insights from the group. Leslie's noticeable passion for her work stems from the drive to bring a larger "visual voice" to individuals' contributions so that organizations in which they work can be more authentically connected and successful.
Leslie is known for her quick uptake of complex and unfamiliar content, feeling equally comfortable in contentious meetings as in casual retreats and working with incredible speed, precision and creativity. Her work is balanced between accurate content capture and on-the-spot imagery that illuminates, not decorates, the group's ideas.
Following a meeting or event, the organized, content-rich and artistic charts of the client's thinking are scanned to digital files, providing both a visual "report" and a launching point for future actions. In addition, the large original murals are returned to the client to use for communicating the meeting results in other forms, such as displaying them in offices or sharing broadly with the meeting's stakeholders and beyond.
Conference Arts and Insights' client list is rich with innovative companies and organizations from Fortune 500 corporations to government agencies, Silicon Valley technology companies, and non-profits. Please visit our client page on this site and contact us with any questions!